Nice to meet you too... Who is John Smeaton?
paul from cleveland
JoinedPosts by paul from cleveland
Before I washed the dishes this morning................!
by iknowall558 inbefore i washed the dishes this morning.............. .
i noticed a couple of well dressed men in dark suits passing by my window.
i jumped up to have a closer look and saw a whole hoard of witnesses in the street knocking on my neighbours doors.
Before I washed the dishes this morning................!
by iknowall558 inbefore i washed the dishes this morning.............. .
i noticed a couple of well dressed men in dark suits passing by my window.
i jumped up to have a closer look and saw a whole hoard of witnesses in the street knocking on my neighbours doors.
paul from cleveland
Why bother doing this? What about the thought that 'if the religion is not from God it will fail on it's own, if it is from God, there is nothing you can do to stop it, and you might actually be working against God'?
The VIRAL IDEA of a returning JESUS
by Terry init was not unusual for christians throughout the centuries to obsess over the viral idea of a return of jesus.. the original apostles did so until their death.. "soon" is more comforting, is it not?
("come quickly, lord jesus").
consider this chain:.
paul from cleveland
Highdose has wonderful news!
by highdose inmy user name highdose i chose because after leaving the borg i was on a high dose of anti depressants to help me cope.. i'm happy to report that my user name is no longer accurate!
after many weeks of cutting the dose down i am now off the pills totaly!:).
such a relief!
paul from cleveland
i was on them for almost exactly a year
that was really fast! that's great.
Highdose has wonderful news!
by highdose inmy user name highdose i chose because after leaving the borg i was on a high dose of anti depressants to help me cope.. i'm happy to report that my user name is no longer accurate!
after many weeks of cutting the dose down i am now off the pills totaly!:).
such a relief!
paul from cleveland
Highdose, how long did you have to take them?
A question for Christians
by paul from cleveland injesus said to 'go your way and sin no more' and the bible also says not to 'use the grace of god as an excuse to sin'.
however the bible also says that 'all sin and fall short of the glory of god'.
this means that we can only partially obey the commandment to be sinless.
paul from cleveland
As far as I know, he (or whoever) can whack til it falls off and Christ will still love him.
Please! I didn't start this thread because I feel guilty about masterbation! I just used it as an example. (really)
A question for Christians
by paul from cleveland injesus said to 'go your way and sin no more' and the bible also says not to 'use the grace of god as an excuse to sin'.
however the bible also says that 'all sin and fall short of the glory of god'.
this means that we can only partially obey the commandment to be sinless.
paul from cleveland
Also, if faith is a gift from God that leads to eternal life, wouldn't it be fair for God to give the gift to all of his children, not just some? We're taught from an early age that 'if you bring candy to the class, you have to share it with everyone'. How would we feel about a parent that feeds and clothes some of his children while making the others life under a bridge? How is it possible to have love for such a parent? Even those who are fed and clothed would live in fear that 'they could be next'.
A question for Christians
by paul from cleveland injesus said to 'go your way and sin no more' and the bible also says not to 'use the grace of god as an excuse to sin'.
however the bible also says that 'all sin and fall short of the glory of god'.
this means that we can only partially obey the commandment to be sinless.
paul from cleveland
but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because he has not believed in the name of God's one and only Son.
You have to believe
Maybe you aren't ready yet
How can faith be required for salvation if faith is a manifestation of God's spirit as the following scripture shows:
But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness and self-control.
It seems like a "catch 22". Faith is required to receive God's spirit and be born again yet that faith is impossible without the spirit in the first place. Does that seem logical? It seems that God has to take the first step and "choose" me or I'll never be able to "overcome the flesh". I can pray all I want but it's not up to me.
Are you born again? Without being a new creation you are unable to overcome the "flesh", the sinful nature.
This is speaking to people who have received the knowledge of the truth and rejected it. What is the truth? Jesus Christ and his sacrifice for sins for those who believe in him. If a person rejects him, there is no sacrifice for sins left for them to rely on.
This is another point that seems nonsensical to me. Why would anyone reject the truth? It's like telling someone that they have two choices: 'You can be happy, have a wonderful life and live forever OR you can be miserable and have nothing to look forward to but eternal death. No one who has an accurate "knowledge of the truth" is going to choose option 2. This really isn't a choice and there must be another explanation. Everyone wants to live unless they're really depressed. If faith is a gift from God, how can someone be faulted for not having it? (please don't say that I've got to ask for it')
Jehovah's Witnesses - Trained to Argue
by AllTimeJeff inalthough a cult, jehovah's witnesses should not be underestimated as to their smarts.
sometimes, exiting jw's, due to indoctrination, feel a lot of guilt for leaving.
of course, the governing body wouldn't have it any other way.. upon leaving, many for the first time feel a freedom to express themselves, which is as it should be.
paul from cleveland
After being wrong so many times, it's embarrassing to think about it. I try not to argue with people anymore. Now I'm more interested in trying to understand why people interpret their postion the way they do. If I disagree with them, I'm obviously not seeing something they see. I would like to know what that is so I can understand their point of view. That's a lot more interesting to me than being right.
A question for Christians
by paul from cleveland injesus said to 'go your way and sin no more' and the bible also says not to 'use the grace of god as an excuse to sin'.
however the bible also says that 'all sin and fall short of the glory of god'.
this means that we can only partially obey the commandment to be sinless.
paul from cleveland
(It wouldn't hurt to keep it in your pants and save it for a treat once in awhile.)
I'm sorry I ever mentioned it.